Recruitment of participants Magnetic Marketing Fundamentals: What You Must Know

Discussion in 'Other' started by Admin, 9 August 2020.

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  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    19 April 2019
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    Digital Marketing Must Know Concepts that Will Help You take your Marketing strategy to New Heights

    The Current Times are rapidly changing and so the way Things are done !
    Marketing has been present since ages but till recent times ; there was a rapid shift in the industry since the inception of Social Media and Various platforms that have changed the way traditional Marketing takes place!
    This Course Will equip you with the Key fundamental concepts that the entire modern marketing efforts DEPEND ON. Without keeping in mind these concepts that you will learn in this course, marketing efforts are highly susceptible to failure.
    This Course will equip you with important fundamental concepts that will change the way you have viewed marketing and it will provide you with a clear frame work to plan your next marketing Strategy.
    The Course is Designed and Conducted by a Certified Marketer such that you will be having quality education that blends with matches and blends with real life applications.

    Digital Marketing Must Know.jpg

    What you'll learn
    -Essentials for Magnetic Marketing
    -Key Important Points for Successful Marketing
    -Difference between Traditional Marketing and Magnetic Marketing

    -The interest to Learn about Marketing Best Practices

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