Rules of conduct in chat

Discussion in 'News and announcements' started by GOODMEN, 5 June 2019.


    GOODMEN Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    21 April 2019
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    chat is prohibited:

    1. Direct or indirect insults, rudeness, rudeness or disassembly. Replacing letters or writing words, abbreviations, errors or misrepresentations does not change the fact. If you are offended, it does not give you the right to respond in kind. It is better to ask one of the admins to come and ban the offender, or throw him a screen and a link to the website of the offender.

    2. Offensive language or profanity. Replacing letters or writing these words with abbreviations, with errors or distortions does not change the fact. If you do not know whether this word refers to profanity, it is better to choose a more cultural option. It is also forbidden to use such words in their names. "Literary "and" folklore " statements also do not change the essence.

    3. Clogging the chat
    If you do not know whether your message will be considered a block, it is better to refrain from writing it. Clogging can be:
    3.1 Copying poems and anecdotes (anyone can now find them on the Internet). In some cases, depending on the situation, it may not be a lock if it does not interfere with other users.
    3.2 re-copying of song titles if no one has requested it.
    3.3 Communication on personal matters of an intimate nature.
    3.4 If the administrator believes that some other action, not included in this list, prevents the rest of the players, he is obliged to warn the user about it. In this case, the user's actions can be considered as "chat blocking". If the user does not listen to the recommendation, the moderator can block it at any time, which he considers fair. If you do not agree, follow the instructions in the post.
    3.5 The accusation of the moderators in the General chat, which did not punish any offenders without providing screenshots of the violations.

    4. Spam. This includes any communications sent for any purpose (not necessarily material). It is also not very desirable to throw links to external resources.

    5. Write in capital letters (except abbreviations). If only one word of several or less than 30% of the text is highlighted with a cap, it is not a violation.

    6. Use of language. Chat allows you to communicate freely in any language, which is convenient to communicate with users. Preferably in English.

    7. Log in to chat while banned from another device or IP.

    communicate and do not break!