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Pair Trading Class

Spreading one stock against another (such as Coke vs Pepsi) is a tried-and-true hedging strategy many firms have an entire trading desk devoted to. An even more interesting, predictable and consistent strategy is trading one index against another. One of the best “pair” trades is the SPX (SPY) against the QQQ.
The largest stocks that make up the SPX/SPY are the same that make up the QQQ index – AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, NVDA, GOOG, etc. This makes for a high degree of correlation and predictability between the two indexes. Obviously, the cost of buying and selling indexes can be prohibitive. Futures have their own complications associated with it. Creating a PAIR trade with options, however, can be used to customize any risk characteristic and directional bias you can image or desire.
Explore all the possibilities of this powerful strategy with the full 10-hour recording and bonus classes, and master a a totally unique way of minimizing risk while creating opportunity.
$799 price includes:
Class Recordings (~10 hours)
Handout of Class Slides
Put/Call Worksheets
Introduction to Pair Trades Write Up
Actual 3-Leg Box Example Applicable for Alchemy, Day Trading, Hedging and Closing Positions
Bonus Class Recordings:
Student Questions
ViPars and ViPars Repair
Success and Jelly Roll
Seller's website: https://stratagemtrade.com/products/new-courses/
Price: 799$